

Buy Now

104 cards for this collection.

Special First Editions NOW available!

Only $1.99 per pack of 5 or more cards. You get 4 game cards, 1 Trading card, 2 Magic Rocks and sometimes stickers or BIG prizes valued up to $100.00!!!
 Collect All of Us... It's Fun and you can WIN BIG PRIZES


Collect All of Us

We are FUN game cards to play with.... collect... trade with your friends and you can win cool prizes.

We are a great way to make money for fund raisers. Contact us to learn more.

Buy now :-) We have many different collections to choose from and they are all interchangeable.

Each collection has 52 basic cards Ace through King with the 4 suits of a normal deck of cards. Some collections will have a few decks. An example would be The Introduction Collection. It is more than 500 individual cards.

.......The Magic Rocks Collection Available NOW!

.......The Bully Collection Available soon!

.......The Introduction Collection

.......The Happy and Healthy Collection

.......The Cool Karma Collection

.......The Believe It Collection

.......The I Am Collection

.......The I Feel Lucky Collection

Collect all of us ...Its Fun and you can really WIN BIG!!




My Magic Life Game Instructions


My Magic Life Game is played with special My-Buddies Collectors cards.


It is played using three main levels we refer to as Spectrum 3, Spectrum 8 and Spectrum 11. Each of these levels contains multiple levels within them.


My Magic Life Game

Spectrum Three is from 01 to 03 Three is the Master level for this phase

Spectrum Eight is from 04 to 08 Eight is the Master level for this phase

Spectrum Eleven is from 09 to 11 Eleven is the Master level for this phase

We have a total of eleven levels of mastery


Once you master a level you may advance to the next.

Some may try to jump from one level to another level before completely mastering the one they are currently in. Many may experience some success with this but will still be lacking the necessary skills or knowledge to fully enjoy and experience the higher levels. It is best to completely master the level you are in before attempting to move on to the next level. Some may come into the game already advanced and as Masters of the lower levels. They too may enjoy the experience within the many levels of the Magic Life Game.


This Magic Life Game is all about Experience… having the Experience, the FUN.

Experience – Knowledge – Skill - Ability is Fun – Exciting - Amusing – Enjoyable and Creates a Magical Life full of Happiness for all creations.


It has three basic Rules that must be followed without any exceptions in order for all participants to experience the Awe-inspiring Magic Life Game. 


Rule # 1

All participants must look to the creator of all creations for guidance and have complete reverence for their creator.

There is no exception to this rule.

Rule # 2

All participants must treat others, as they themselves would want to be treated.

No one desires to have his or her feelings to be disturbed or hurt. No one desires to be robbed, hurt, made to feel inferior, threatened, bullied or treated unkindly.

There is no exception to this rule.

Rule # 3

All participants must constantly seek out ways to be happy and make others happy.

There is no exception to this rule.



Many different types of Games can be played within the various levels.


We have Four different kinds of My-Magic-Life Games that may be played using any of the My-Buddies Collectors Game Cards. Some of the My-Buddies Collectors Game Cards will have additional games that may be played using that specific collection.


The Four Main My Magic Life Games


My Magic Life Game

Draw a card

This game is played individually and you draw a card once a day or on special occasions.


My Magic Life Game

Cards you are dealt

This game can be played by yourself or with others.


My Magic Life Game

Action and Consequences

This game is played with others and can be played individually


My Magic Life Game

Truth and Dare

This game is played with many others.


Instructions for Level One, Level Two and Level Three.


Level One Instructions are shared on our web site and are also available on a tri-fold brochure. We offer this on the web site.


Level Two instructions come in the form of a mini book we offer this on our web site.


Level Three instructions are shared in the form of a small book and a companion notebook this too we offer through the web site.




Level One Instructions for the four main My Magic Life Games

Sorry for the delay in adding the detailed instructions. I will be adding them very soon:-)


Thank you for your patience.



Robin and the Mythical Buddies aka My-Buddies :-)