Parents  - Teachers - Mentors

This web site was designed for kids of all ages…even if you are just a kid at heart. The Mythical Buddies represent values, non-religious beliefs and principles. They are also good friends. The Mythical Buddies are non-violent; they use wisdom and their special abilities to fight against the dark forces of ignorance. They seek to free us from the effects brought on by conditioning, so that we may all live a more fulfilling life at our highest potential.

The Mythical Buddies

is to help everyone believe they are:

Unconditionally loved


Not judged




They Matter

and they are

Not Alone!

We the Mythical Buddies, feel that when the above beliefs are fully embraced by anyone they will flourish, thrive and achieve incredible things not only in their own lives but they will positively affect everyone they come into contact with.

The Mythical Buddies is a project that has been evolving over the past 12 years.

Our many books are not yet available to the public on a large scale. We are currently desktop publishing as we pursue a publisher. If you would like to purchase one of our books now, please contact us for a list and more information.

If you have any questions or suggestions we would love to hear from you.You can contact us at:

Thank you for stopping by.


Robin and the Mythical Buddies