my buddies

Hi friends :-) Welcome to the Mythical Buddies aka My Buddies web site. Thank you for stopping by and checking us out.I thought you may want to know a little about the person that created these cartoons and their stories.Many years ago I started drawing them. I always loved to draw and make things up as a child and so it is just natural that they came to be. I currently live in Central Florida and I work as a payroll processor for a big company. I like to volunteer with Hospice and also The Children's Home in Tampa Florida.I draw the cartoons and work on this web site in my spare time. I would love to someday work on the cartoons more and actually get paid for it:-) When I am working on the cartoons I am in my zone... totally at peace and time just fly's by.I draw them on a digitizer (Wacom tablet) with a special pen. The images I create go directly into the computer as vector graphics. This medium makes it easy to copy them over and over again. I used to take a long time recreating the same image over and over for the kids I would volunteer with. I really like drawing them on the computer. It also makes it easier to create animations. Everything on this web site I have created. I am self taught with all the programs. I love to learn and I love challenges.

This web site was established on the web in 1998 as Mythical-Buddies first and then shortened to My-Buddies. It has been my passion. I have created many items with the My-Buddies that have been shared with the children I've volunteered with throughout the years. Also I share them with friends and co-workers. I have never advertised up until now:-) I work on the various products offered whenever I get a chance. Making the various products and working on this web site is another form of expressing my art. I really enjoy every second. Thanks again for stopping by and I hope you will keep coming by to see what new things we have to offer.

Much love to you and your loved ones!!!Your Buddie:-)

Robin and all of the Mythical Buddies:-)


The Mythical buddies used to be located on two sites mythical-buddies. com and however we are now only on our Official web site We have had our web sites since 1998 :-) a very long time. We have hundreds of buddies to share with you. They all will have their own web page on this web site. Many pages are already available and all of them will be available soon. Don't forget to look for the secret hidden treasures we have hidden all over the web site. Some prizes are valued up to $100.00.....Yes :-) I said $100.00 Look for hidden links. They can be hidden anywhere on all of the pages. Be careful the Tricky Monsters may try to trick you and lead you away from the prizes. Hope you have fun and I hope you win big!!! :-)


We can also be found under these web addresses

All of the above addresses will link you back to us.